
Tuesday 11 October 2011

An Introduction and a Mechanic

Major Project Idea

An Aztec fantasy themed game,
The game will have an isometric diablo-style camera much like many games from the dungeon crawler genre.

Main Gameplay Elements - Combat, Puzzle-Solving, Strategy

Unique Mechanic
The unique mechanic within the game will be the ability to command an A.I. controlled guardian (that follows the player) to attack and defend from enemies as well as assist with puzzle solving

The players character is limited in combat where as the guardian is much more capable therefore the player must rely heavily on the guardians protection through issuing orders for example commanding the guardian to defend a direction from enemies whilst the player is protected from that direction he/she may then fight enemies from another direction or attempt to solve a puzzle.

    As more enemies come from multiple directions the player must manage commands for the guardian switching directions to attack based on which side is the most dangerous where as the player's character would finish off the few enemies that managed to break through the defensive line.

    Another example of this mechanic could be that there are enemies coming from the flank of the player and so the player commands the guardian to hold the line whilst the player attempts to solve a puzzle to open a door to gain access to the next area. Because of this the player then has a time limit to solve the puzzle before the enemies overwhelm the guardian and breakthrough.

As the game progresses the guardian may unlock skills to be used in combat such as the ability to break down into 3 versions of itself protecting multiple directions however the guardian is weaker in this state as opposed to when its 1 whole. Another skill could be the ability to do an area of effect attack (aoe) to multiple enemies at once with increased damage.

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